Raw Testosterone undecanoate(Andriol) powder (5949

"https://www.aasraw.com/testosterone-ester-right-for-you/ https://www.aasraw.com/products/testosterone-undecanoate/ estosterone undecanoate is a long-acting man-made version of testosterone, the natural male sexual hormone. Testosterone is responsible for the normal growth and development of male sex organs and characteristics. It includes growth and development of male organs of penis, testicles, prostate, body hair, vocal cord thickening, and muscle and fat distribution.
ǀ. Testosterone Undecanoate basic Characters:Name: Testosterone Undecanoate CAS: 5949-44-0 Molecular Formula: C30H48O3 Molecular Weight: 456.7 Melt Point: 59-61℃ Storage Temp.: 2-8℃ Color: White or off white crystalline powder II. Testosterone Undecanoate usage in steroids cycle 1.Names: Testosterone Undecanoate is called by Testo U, Test U, TU, Andriol, etc.2. Testosterone Undecanoate Usage: Males over 18 years of age: The recommended dose of testosterone undecanoate is 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly; followed by 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly after 4 weeks, then 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly every 10 weeks thereafter.3.Warning on Testosterone Undecanoate: Testosterone Undecanoate may cause a serious lung problem called pulmonary oil microembolism (POME) as well as a serious allergic reaction after receiving the injection. 4.Further instructions:Testosterone undecanoate (40 mg daily for 3 months) significantly increased height velocity and fat-free mass velocities after 6 months but not muscle strength, endurance or total daily energy expenditure"

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