personal injury lawyer Barrie

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Edson Legal | Barrie Personal Injury Lawyers

+1 905-856-3770

Barry Edson is a member in good standing of the Law Society of Ontario, the Canadian Bar Association as well as other professional bodies like the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and is a tenacious and effective advocate . A recognized and respected leader since his youth , a former president of his Bnai Brith youth group, former president of the York University Student Federation and a former assistant to the Legal Counsel at the University of Ottawa while in law school, Barry Edson is often consulted by other lawyers and paralegals respecting complex legal issues and has acted as counsel for other law and paralegal firms and has been sought out to represent other legal and health professionals when they have been injured. Barry Edson has also taught law at York University , has been an invited speaker at continuing legal education seminars for lawyers and has since 1982 represented clients at all levels of court in Ontario and is one of the most senior personal injury lawyers in Southern Ontario.

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