Cleaning services in Pretoria

As the city’s most trusted cleaners, we have a lot of professional cleaning services to offer at the most affordable rates. We, at, provide both domestic and commercial cleaning services all around Pretoria and have been in operation around the city and the suburbs for more than 40 years. Amongst our strongest service areas are, office cleaning, commercial cleaning, end of tenancy cleaning, maid services, domestic service, moving in / moving out clean ups, and toilet/restroom/bathroom cleanups. It doesn't matter where you are in Pretoria, our commercial and domestic cleaners are here to help. We clean houses, commercial places, and even institutions. With our team by your side, you can expect your home or office to look sparkling clean withing a short time.

You can contact one of our agents to request a free quotation before commencing cleaning in order to have an idea of our prices. Our rates are quite affordable and we dont add any payments that were never in the quote before discussing with you. Call the leading cleaners on 012 004 1833 or visit our website today.

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